Using technology to forge The Will to Fight. 

The Client

Dynamis Alliance was Founded by SEAL team six operator Dom Raso. Dynamis is focused on strengthening their community mentally, physically, and spiritually by forging the Will to Fight and a Crush Everything mindset.


Dynamis Alliance came to Bryant Digital with the challenge of developing a traditional e-commerce website, an online subscription platform, and multiplying their digital marketing efforts in order to drive user engagement and grow their sales. 


Web Design

Email Marketing

Facebook Ads


Web Design

We developed 2 power e-commerce websites that are fully mobile responsive and optimized for sales. Once the website is focused on selling physical products, the other is an online subscription platform with a learning management system.

Email Marketing & Analytics

SharpSpring marketing automation platform is fully integrated with the Dynamis Alliance platform. Automated email up-sell, cross-sell, abandoned cart notifications, newsletters, and more keep users engaged and maxamize their e-comemrce ROI. 

Facebook & Instagram Ads

Once our store and client retention systems were in place, we needed to drive new sales. We leveraged Facebook & Instagram ads to drive website subscriptions and product sales with an 18x Return on Ad Spend, or 1800% ROI

The Will to Fight Podcast

We worked with Dom Raso, the founder of Dynamis Alliance to launch the Will to Fight Podcast. Bryant Digital managed video production, audio production, promotional content creation, and distribution to all major platforms where podcasts are consumed such as iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.



Monthly Page Views.


Increase in e-commerce sales


Newsletter opt-ins


ROAS – Return on Facebook ad spend


Increase in Search Engine Rankings


Paid monthly Subscribers in 60 days.


Email open rate


Over 100k podcast downloads


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